
Friday, September 13, 2013

The Need to Create

Brain has been behaving badly recently, my waking hours have been truly bizarre and rest doesn't come easily (typical with narcolepsy, but I'm looking into specifically why things have been more difficult lately with my various doctors.)  Following patterns for crafting has therefore been tricky, and I've caught myself falling back on things I don't need patterns for, like washcloths and small, improvised amigurumi.  But more than that, I've just been driven to create more of what is in my head, and less of what is already designed.  Of course, I then go back and stress over how to write the pattern - so I plan to be more disciplined from here on out and just write the pattern down as I go. Hopefully I'll get some new patterns up in the near future, possibly a Halloween themed one? Thoughts?

 I would really prefer to make money to support my project from pattern sales than from selling amigurumi, because I believe my time is better spent making items for donation than for sale - that being said, even though each doll I make is time consuming, each sale sponsors more dolls for donation, and I figure people might be looking for holiday gifts in the near future.  So I've done a little Etsy shop configuration, and here's what I've come up with for changes.

-Custom amigurumi are now $25 for a doll approx 4-6" - I am willing to ship internationally, just contact me beforehand so I can calculate the postage.  I currently have five available, I'll re-stock as necessary when those are done.  The time estimate is a bit long just in case I end up with all of the orders coming in at once, but realistically, it should be shorter.  Feel free to contact me if you need something quickly, chances are I'll be able to help.

If you want an amigurumi made from a specific pattern, I can do that - if I don't have the pattern in my library, I will purchase one if it will be suitable for making donated items later.  Please note, any pattern that states that items made from it are not to be sold is not eligible for this - such a statement is not legally binding, but I do choose to respect the wishes of the designers.

-Little Visitor dolls are now available in the shop for $12 in custom colors, each one comes with a top hat :)

-The Little Visitor pattern is still available as a PDF download for $3.00 on Etsy and Ravelry.  The $.50 follower discount still applies on Ravelry - contact me and I'll give you the coupon code.  I tested the pattern multiple times myself before publishing, so it should be correct.

-Smaller amigurumi (about 2-3") are also available for $12, contact me via private message to order.  I've stocked up on them with the intention to have them sold at a local shop, but as long as I still have them, they're up for grabs.

-I can also make baby items - I don't have the time to do large projects like blankets/clothes, but I can do hats and booties and other small items, including amigurumi that is more appropriate for baby gifts (made with cotton yarn, all one piece, etc).

Still trying to figure out how to replicate Sophie's dress, but that pattern should be drafted soon and ready for testing, after which the dolls made to test the pattern will be available for sale (since there are small pieces, I won't be donating those).

Click here to visit my Etsy shop (this link will take you to the store front, so you can see anything I might have added since I wrote this post originally)

I should have more project photos up soon, I keep forgetting to take photos while it's still light outside.

I hope you're all well and happy!  I plan to update the Crafts for a Cause page very soon, so stay tuned! :)  In the meantime, stay creative, and keep me posted on what you're working on!

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