My health is preventing me from working at the moment, so I'd like to use my time to help sick kids feel better, not with pills, but with crochet. Follow my journey on my blog ~

Monday, February 18, 2013

It Begins with a Stitch

 Some of my earliest memories involve hospitals.  Born with a rare birth defect, I've had a lot of experience with them, from endless trips to the ER until I was diagnosed, to two major surgeries at age four, and then follow-up testing afterwards to make sure the problem had been resolved -- tests which were painful, invasive, and frightening.  One time, when I went in for (yet another) round of tests, a technician gave me a doll that had been hand-made and donated to the hospital to comfort children like me.  I still have the doll, and the memory of how much better it made me feel.  I don't know who made it, but I've always been grateful.

Recently I've been learning how to do amigurumi.  I always loved crafts, and have been doing cross stitch, crochet, and jewelry making for many years.  What I would really like to do is make some creatures to comfort those who were, as I was, desperately in need of some.  I've created this blog to document my journey and in the hope that others will join me along the way.  I would like to think that this project will someday be bigger than I am; even if that doesn't pan out, I'm determined to add a little bit of happiness to what can be a dark and lonely place.


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