My health is preventing me from working at the moment, so I'd like to use my time to help sick kids feel better, not with pills, but with crochet. Follow my journey on my blog ~

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Today is the first day of the dreaded four to six month separation.  I decided to make the most of it and get out of the house as much as I could -- usually I get tired very easily, but I've been working up to being out and about little by little.  The small one and I took a walk to get frozen yogurt.  Turned out there was an art festival being held down that way, so we wandered around and got lost in talent for awhile.  Then we got a ride to the other craft store to restore my supply of poly-fil, and then to the grocery store to stock up on supplies, where I found some new things to try.  I really am astounded at the gluten free selection these days.  And the man of the house isn't home to magically fit everything in the freezer... :(

New discovery for a quick meal... spinach-garlic gluten free sandwich wraps with guacamole and roast turkey.  Very satisfying.  Also brought home some kelp noodles out of curiosity.  Really not sure how that's going to go, but almost anything is edible with enough pesto sauce on it.

Have been learning to knot my own pearls by practicing on a bracelet... no way is it necessary to have this knotted individually but it's good practice.  I'm probably not doing it right... but... :) it looks pretty good anyway, I thought I would have messed up by now and be forced to cut the thing to bits.  Then again, I'm not even through the first of three strands yet.  Can't ever stay away from beading for too long, no matter how hard I try.  The shiny things, they call to me.

Back to working on pink bunny shortly, as soon as I make dinner.  There will probably be a nap involved in there somewhere, I probably over-taxed myself today... then again, how do you know your limits until you find them?  ...okay, that's a cop out for me.  Pushing things too far has been a bad habit, and I ought to take things a bit easier in general.  But today was stressful, and it's better to work the stress out than to dwell in it.  Same headache, but for a better reason.

Just got spammed with a text message coupon code after getting four gmail "codes" as though someone tried to reset my password (but no word from Google indicating someone really did try to access my account... and no indication of which account?)  So I'm confused.

Maybe it is time for that nap after all...


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